

Cocktailphernalia: Bottoms Up Tumbler

Bottoms Up Cocktail Tumbler Bottoms Up Cocktail Tumbler
Bottoms Up Cocktail Tumbler

THIS YELLOW PLASTIC TUMBLER, manufactured in the 50s or 60s, starts with the toast "bottoms up!" before rotating to reveal, first, two enormously round protrusions with legs emerging from beneath them, and finally a woman, doubled over, looking startled. We cannot imagine what sort of devil-may-care bachelor once owned this, as it seems exactly the sort of drinking cup that might discourage amorous liaisons with the fair sex. But perhaps we underestimate the fair sex, and their bawdy sense of humor. Next time we offer highballs at a Bottle Gang gathering, we shall have to serve them in cups such as these, and see whether we are met with smirks or slaps. (SPARBER)

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